The sky is being watched
For more skies and views from all around the globe, enjoy the visit to :
I’ve put together a few photos from my little morning walk at Wilpena Pound. Even if it’s not a pet, I think it will be fun to look at for Pet Pride viewers.
Early our last morning at Wilpena Pound it was crispy clear air and a closer look will show you a little frost on the ground,
The weather the days we were at Wilpena Pound was just fantastic.
but it was still a couple of hours before our 1 hour flight.
ARIKA (water lily) is a young woman working at Wilpena Pound Tourist Resort as a pilot. Arika takes tourists on aerial flights from the resort around the pound and on to the surrounding areas. Arika conducts the flights with an informative history of the area and she is a most friendly person and well suited to giving the tourists a great scenic flight.
This must be the most famous view over Wilpena Pound so we also have our own
The north end of the Heysen Trail seen from Parachilna Gorge which means you have the Western Plains to the right. This track is one of the most famous ones in Australia.
Even people of age up here cannot remember seeing this area so green:
And to the left here the "Great wall of China"
This was my little contribution from my world to you this week, don’t miss out on the rest of the world here!
I had such a great pleasure to observe and photgraph these two Galahs so I’ve made a little strip showing them together. They knew I was there, but they just didn’t care very much as I had no wings.
This is yesterdays sky shot from The Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden in Port Augusta.
And here is another picture from my series of my little friends in Kanyaka Creek. (Blogger made this an update on Sky Watch no 21)
For more skies and views from all around the globe, enjoy the visit to :
We have been really busy for a while. Partly because of a trip to Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Range National Park. It takes time to digest such an event and I feel exhausted.
It was at times very busy on the road.
And the views makes words so small and unnecessary
This is only Whiskies first pics among some Gb in RAW format I carried home and she wants her paws on all of them.
I want to share this “little” one:
This was my little contribution from my world to you this week, don’t miss out on the rest of the world here!