31 mars 2009

The tree less saddle


The Barefoot Cheyenne saddle. 4 kg’s and in different sizes.

Monami just love it.

My world no 4

This is also a part of my world, let me present you to:

Equesterie Tranquille, La Pène

Nyte Dreamer (my daugther’s), Mon amie (på norsk: Mona mi siden hennes mor het Mona binht Sawhi) også den lille sønnen deres Tarzan.

Here is Tarzan one week, a real charming little guy.


Very often they are together, but sometimes mother and son is on their own and they are not quite confortable with that,  they want back to the others.


Now a days he’s solitaire for a few days because when you are a nearly two year colt, it’s time to discover the world of the stallions. He hasn’t yet a clue of what his hormon kick is all about.

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But mostly he is as Tranquille and sweet as his mother and father.

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Many thanks to all behind My World. Go and explore: mwtblack

The hidden sunrise in La Pène 31. March 2009

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30 mars 2009

Sunrise in La Pène 30. March 2009

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29 mars 2009

The day started like this in La Pène 29. March 2009

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And then the sun got uncovered today too.

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The Astronomy Party of a Lifetime…

The Astronomy Party of a Lifetime…

Posted using ShareThis

28 mars 2009

The Norwegian in France

I think maybe I should clear up a few things, just for the record. Yes I’m Norwegian. Actually I’ve been living in Norway my whole life minus a couple of years just now. Just now I’m happily retired in France. I live together with my daugther and family. I‘ve known for years that I’m Francophile. Just maybe I’ve lived here a couple of lifetimes, before if we believe in reincarnation. Anyway it feels like home, I have this strange feeling of peace and content, more in contact with nature, and there is really no hurry like before in the computer business. I live in the middle of the ancient Cathar country. If we think about wine, it’s in the Malepère country.

Kanskje bør jeg oppklare litt. Jeg er Norsk og jeg er vokst opp og har bodd i Norge hele livet minus de par siste årene. Akkurat nå bor jeg i Frankrike, lykkelig pensjonert og bor hos datteren min og familien. Jeg er Frankofil fra lenge siden. Kanskje jeg har bodd her for et par liv siden, hvis vi tror på reinkarnasjon. Uansett føler jeg meg hjemme her. Å bo her midt i Catharenes land gir fred i sjelen og mer kontakt med naturen. Det er ikke så mye som haster lenger som før.

Tenker vi vin og Frankrike, heter vinlandet jeg bor i Malepère.

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It’s real easy to forget the time and just sit and meditate or just be.

Sunrise in La Pène 28. March 2009


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Avignon in Photos: The siege (red tents)

Avignon in Photos: The siege (red tents)

27 mars 2009

26 mars 2009

Sky Watch no 4 – Friday 27. March 2009

Let me present you to Eeyore. It’s one of Eeyore’s tranquille moments where worries are forgotten.

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Here is Eeyore zoomed in so you can enjoy the face with the nostrils,

Maison Tranquille Eyore-20090311_Vue-MidiThese two pictures are also taken with my Ixus 75. It’s always with me in the garden and on short trips. It’s also more discrete than my EOS 400D in places with a lot of people. Both of them should perhaps be shifted out with more fancy ones, but I’ve sort of grown attached to them :).

Eeyore is called Tussi in Norwegian. In French I don’t know. I should probably read Winnie the Pooh in French. Another time, another life. Just now I watch the sky.

For more skies and views from all around the globe, visit : swftom Skywatch Friday

Moring sky over La Pène 26. March 2009

This is the sky early on Thursday the 26th of March.

The wind are blowing freshly and it’s a bit cold, but when there is wind the clouds are just passing.


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Here is more of the fluffy cloud 

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25 mars 2009

Sunrise 25. march 2009


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24 mars 2009

The sky over La Pène 24. march 2009

Beautiful sky, bad weather

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Later the sun came out as usual, but it’s colder. The earth needed water so if you look at the bright side it’s another fine day and my laptop had started to feel very lonely anyway.

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© John`s Photoblog ©: Mølen - On a misty day

© John`s Photoblog ©: Mølen - On a misty day

23 mars 2009

My world no 3

Le marché de Mirepoix

Last week I mentioned Mirepoix. In Mirepoix there is a market every Monday. This towns name, Mirepoix, was used before 1062. Latin, “Mirum podium”.


La cathedral Saint-Maurice in the background. The first stone layed down in 1298.

What do you need more than bread,




paella for dinner,








sharp knives,


and warm feet .


Enjoy the rest of the world here: mwtblack

Early morning in La Pène 23. march 2009

I overslept again, but then I can show the “busy” traffic in La Pène

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22 mars 2009

Le ciel est bleu

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Tomorrow I’ll take a short trip to Alaigne.

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21 mars 2009

Before sunrise at La Pène

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20 mars 2009

Sunrise over La Pène 19. and 20. march 2009

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19. of March. It’ chilly early in the mornings



Maison Tranquille 20090320_Vue-Matin_101  20. of March Still another crisp, clear day

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It’s a little bit windy, but the tranquillity is still there.

19 mars 2009

Sky Watch no 3


I just want to show one of my photos from this winter.

Discover  swftom from all over the world!

18 mars 2009

Sunrise at Maison Tranquille

View from this morning,

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