09 desember 2007

Panta Rei

Pantha rei oil on canvas 90x90 cm Elisabeth - Gallery Xpremental

This is my favourite painting so far.

I do not know how many layers of thin paint I put on.
I do not know exactly how many hours I was painting.
I do not know if there were 9 month or twelve it took to finish.

What I do know, is that it does not matter.
When I started I just knew that it was what I had to do.
Over the months I was painting it filled my soul with peace and my senses was more alert for inspiration from the life around me.

What I understood was that this special image had opened up my eyes to the important values in life. It dawned on me that what I thought was my personal religion that actually was quite simple, not only were mine, but shared of unumbered people that had seen the same as me for thousands of years.

When it comes to the actual painting, I have experienced different types of paint, brushes, strokes, thinners, methods, strategy. I went to an restauratation specialist in France which is restauring old paintings in south France and she thought me to stretch and prepare the canvas like in medieaval times. She thought me also how to create folds and depth.

The title Pantha rei felt natural to me, since I did not make a copy. And to copy a glimpse of the universe that is just flowing would be quite bizzare. It was thru my background investigating on Heraklit I found that it was something called "Pantheism"..

Voila, ma révérence pour la nature c'est ma vie

When I started to paint Pantha rei it was from an unforgetable inspiration the NASA Hubbletelescope team had given me. When I saw the "Orion Nebula" it on their web, I was sold. By the time my painting was finished, the Orion Nebula picture had been the most popular and very known.

29 oktober 2007

Happiness and....

There are lots of ways of being miserable, but there's only one way of being comfortable, and that is to stop running round after happiness. If you make up your mind not to be happy there's no reason why you shouldn't have a fairly good time. - Edith Wharton

Jeg leste første setningen og nikket, jo det var godt sagt. Så leste jeg neste setning og ble nedstemt i steden. Hvis du bestemmer deg for ikke å være lykkelig, så kan du ha det ganske bra? Kanskje en god metode er å ta inn de små øyeblikkene som gjør livet vært å leve. Nå for eksempel. Har skydekket trukket seg tilbake og solen bryter igjennom. Deilig. Øyeblikket er nå. Det er helt unødvendig å lete rundt etter lykke. Den kommer av seg selv, men har vi resignert, så legger vi kanskje ikke merke til den lenger. Er det da hverdagene blir grå?

Tenk deg en morgen som ser slik ut:

Jeg fikk med meg den gode følelsen som varte hele dagen.

Ha en god dag!

27 oktober 2007

Nesten vinter, eller sen høst

Jeg klager ikke. Det er ikke det, men det er surt og uggent. Mor har fyrt opp i peisen og når jeg går ut, er det godt å ha på vindtett anorakk.

I går gikk jeg en tur innover veien mot Bjelland.

Litt trist i høstværet, men bevares det er da straks november. Ikke spør meg hvor tiden er blitt av. Jeg har tatt av armbåndsuret og andre er mye bedre på å holde orden på slike ting enn meg.

Suset fra hovedveien er øredøvende og på denne lille veien her er det mer trafikk på denne halvtimen enn på en hel dag i La Pène.

Men se der! Mor og sønn står å ser på meg. De lurer sikkert på hvem det er som kommer der og om det er noe godt å få. Jeg har jo bare kameraet jeg da. Jeg har lånt et Kodak Easyshare. Det er et lett og godt kamera. Når mor stiller med så fint kamera gidder ikke jeg å dra på mitt Canon 400D. Det veier også litt mer.

Se den fine gutten, med småkrøllete man. Ikke vet jeg, men jeg antar at det blir et nytt traveress.

og her kommer mamma bort, hun er ivrig etter å hilse på gjesten hun også.

Jeg hilser pent med å puste inn i neseboret hennes også. Hun blåser igjen. Jeg er godtatt.

Når mamma kommer er det best å holde seg litt i bakgrunnen, hun er snar til å dressere gutten sin. Hun vil ha hele oppmerksomheten tenker jeg. Hun heter "Fjellkosa". Hun er fin.

Hei påsan, måtte du trekke deg vekk? Men så fikk jeg et fint portrettbilde i steden.

Ja, skal du gå igjen alt da? Vi har jo god tid til å prate vi?

Ha det da, vi kan stå igjen her vi. Bare besøk oss igjen.

Jeg tar meg nok en tur til før jeg reiser.

23 oktober 2007

Back in Norway

I'm back in Norway for a while. It is no doubt autumn has come here. You can smell it, feel it and of course see it. And I dress thereafter. It's not that I'm negative, but it's a firework in colours yellows, reds, browns they are bright and warm. The air is crisp and fresh and it's natural to put on an extra layer of clothes.

The garden needs attention before the winter. It can very well be temperatures below zero at any time. But strangely enough the roses are flowering as it would be midsummer. We just wait for the frost. In the morning at wakening time, the earth breeds out and when looking out the window everything is covered in grey. It's a mild start on a day. Slowly it gets lighter and the mist find it's way up in the air. In a couple of hours there opens a beautiful sunny Norwegian day on the south cost.

Life is good. I don't have millions of some kind of money, but I have family, and some very few friends, I can see, I can feel, I can still hear and now I have a fairly good health. It means I've happiness, I'm not hungry. It is actually nothing to complain about.

I'm rich.

20 oktober 2007

Elisabeth's bright side

24 september 2007

This spot are now my test station, so if you find something interesting after a while, I will be happy for your comments. http://anne-elizabeth.eu/ and http://maisontranquille.eu/ are the sites I update.

Besides that I'm more and more happy here in France, and in due time I will move down here to my daugthers Chambres d'Hôtes; Maison Tranquille just 20 minutes from the Carcassonne airpost Pays de Cathares .

I'm planning to make this blog my French Language station.
First, I found The French language site. This I will build in to this place as a Widget, the natural thing to do.
Along with that I will build into this blog my "devoires" and the really important French basics that I need to know by heart.
Ups, I have to run, because every Monday is marketday in Mirepoix, Ariège, and there is no Monday without it.

Have a nice day


17 februar 2007


This landscape express my soul. In mediaeval time this ondulating landscape must have been almost the same.

This is in the heart of "Du Razès" near to Carcassonne in the South of France.
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